We Need To Talk About Bonds…

Erin Botsford in her book, The Big Retirement Risk says that buying bonds in the wrong market environment could be as dangerous as buying Florida condos in 2005. So what’s a wrong market environment? This… Are you seriously telling me that people are willing to lend money today to the U.S. government for 30 looooongContinue reading “We Need To Talk About Bonds…”

Too Much Portfolio Volatility Can Send You To The Poorhouse…

Pretty much everything in our daily lives, if we were to collect enough data and observe, follow a bell-shaped pattern or dare I say, distribution. Take for example, women’s weight. The average or mean weight say is 150. I didn’t say 150 what so don’t come at me. And there is of course a spreadContinue reading “Too Much Portfolio Volatility Can Send You To The Poorhouse…”

The Greatest Investing Sin…

Vladimir Lenin once said that there are decades where nothing happens. And then there are weeks where decades happen. The last many weeks feel like that but if we go back in time and run through all the bad that has happened, this is no biggie and this too shall pass. How do I know?Continue reading “The Greatest Investing Sin…”

To Rebalance Or Not?

Doveryai, no proveryai, a Russian proverb whose English translation Trust, But Verify made famous by the late President Ronald Reagan during negotiations with the Soviet Union has been a topic of debate ever since, not only in the realm of politics but also in many other aspects of wherever you think you might get temptedContinue reading “To Rebalance Or Not?”

Take Mean-Variance Optimization With A Boatload Of Salt…

In a 1952 paper published in the Journal of Finance titled Portfolio Selection, Harry Markowitz laid out a framework that literally transformed the landscape around how portfolio management should be done. Later dubbed the Modern Portfolio Theory or MPT, that seminal paper would go on to eventually earn him the Nobel Prize in Economics aboutContinue reading “Take Mean-Variance Optimization With A Boatload Of Salt…”